Sigma-additive set function
Countable additivity; Finite additive; Finitely additive; Sigma additive; Countably-additive set function; Sigma-additive; Countably additive; Sigma-additivity; Σ-additivity; S-additivity; Finite additivity; Additive set function; Countably-additive; Modular set function; Sigma additivity; Finitely additive set function; Σ-additive set function
In mathematics, an additive set function is a function mapping sets to numbers, with the property that its value on a union of two disjoint sets equals the sum of its values on these sets, namely, \mu(A \cup B) = \mu(A) + \mu(B). If this additivity property holds for any two sets, then it also holds for any finite number of sets, namely, the function value on the union of k disjoint sets (where k is a finite number) equals the sum of its values on the sets.